Quadtree Research

Author Pic: Carlos Peña · 2018 - 2019 · 5 min reading

This project is generated as a game development research for learning purposes at my spare time and contains a research about spatial partitioning quadtree algorithm.

Spatial Partitioning Quadtree


This project is generated as a game development research for learning purposes at my spare time and contains a research about spatial partitioning algorithms and its applications in game development, used as an advance to optimize generally problem-solving algorithms when we have to check and order a sizable amount of elements.

This research wraps up with a demo application focused on the scope of Region-Point Quadtree as approached method to test its potential optimization comparing it with force brute method when we are checking collisions at run-time.

You can find information about Spatial Partitioning in my website.

Tech Demo Captures

