Spatial Partitioning Quadtree
This project is generated as a game development research for learning purposes at my spare time and contains a research about spatial partitioning algorithms and its applications in game development, used as an advance to optimize generally problem-solving algorithms when we have to check and order a sizable amount of elements.
This research wraps up with a demo application focused on the scope of Region-Point Quadtree as approached method to test its potential optimization comparing it with force brute method when we are checking collisions at run-time.
You can find information about Spatial Partitioning in my website.
Tech Demo Captures
- Search Conception and its application in video games
- Space Partitioning types
- Quatree as choosed method to develop a demo
- Quadtree's Approaches: (Camera culling, collision checking)
- My Quatree Approach (template-based generic container)
- Quadtree modular functionalities (Split(), Insert(), Query() and Draw())
- Quadtree handout exercises with TODOS and SOLUTIONS