Kitty Lee

Author Pic: Carlos Peña · 2018 - 2019 · 3 min reading

Kitty Lee is a 2D platformer game produced in Development subject from my bachelor degree.

Kitty Lee


Kitty Lee is a 2D platformer game produced in Development subject from my bachelor degree. The game consists in jump, climb and beat enemies to navigate the player's environment and reach the end of the level without being defeated.

The levels are featured by several zones which ones the player must use its ability to become a ghost and be able to surpass the walls to go ahead on the environment.

The project was made in a team of two with my colleague Christian and its development lasted about 3 months with the accomplished goals of understand the building blocks of 2D video games, getting into data driven programming, understand isometric perspective, develop debug tools and GUI programming.

Also the game has debug functionality as god mode, collision boxes, direct win/lose function keys, etc.

Gameplay Captures

