Final Fantasy: Dawn of Ivalice

Author Pic: Carlos Peña · 2019 - 2020 · 5 min reading

Final Fantasy: Dawn of Ivalice is an Action RPG based on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and its storyline background.

Final Fantasy: Dawn of Ivalice


Final Fantasy: Dawn of Ivalice is an Action RPG based on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and its storyline background.

In Dawn of Ivalice, the player can control and swap between Marche (warrior), Ritz (mage) and Shara (archer) at any time to combine their unique and incredible abilities and develop different strategies according to the situation that is presented.

The project was developed with a great team of seven, of whom i had very good experiences from the first phases as Concept Discovery until the release of the Gold version. The development of the game lasted a total of 4 months where i took responsability of the Art of the game, in charge of the pixel art of the characters, their diferent states and abilities, ultimates, levels and some props and visual effects. Also in charge of the mood art research and pipeline according with team agile methodololy.

I really enjoyed as an Artist of Dawn of Ivalice!

Gameplay Captures

Gameplay Trailer

